Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ad trouble

An ad on the front page of the most widely circulate Liberty Times newspaper has caused quite a stir for the Kuomintang, the party who put the ad up.

The ad basically says that the KMT supports the status quo which governs relations between China and Taiwan, however adds (and this is the cause of the uproar) that

"...the future of Taiwan has many posssible options, whether it is unification, independence or maintaining the status quo, all should be decided by the people". [translation mine]

It is that "independence" word which has in the aftermaths of the publication of the ad prompted the KMT to defend itself. The KMT (as the previous post suggests) has little regard for the sovereignty of Taiwan or the wishes of the people, since its policy has always been to unify with China. So the "independence" option is something groundbreaking, something even the old guards of the party have leapt up to criticise. So in an attempt to quell the fire, the KMT then reversed its position and said that Taiwan independence is definitely not an option for the KMT.

Shame that for once the KMT seems to have said something right, but then reversed its position again for fear of antagonising/appeasing its core supporters. And that part about respecting the decision of the people is also something new and in the right direction, but is unfortunately being turned back on.

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