Thursday, September 01, 2005

This is Formosa again

Typhoon Talim left Taiwan in a huff, and is now heading towards China.
Damages seem not so terrible as predicted, though news is still pouring in about floodings and destructions all over the island.

This indeed is a magical island.
As the goliath Talim approached, she was beaten back by the mountain ranges in the centre. It was as if she hesitated , changed course as she approached the coastline and turned a ninety degrees angle, and then found the quickest way across the island out to sea again. Most unusual of all, because of the high mountains, Talim was split into two, and her destructive forces were dramatically reduced. Her main body hurtled west-wards out to sea, as her 'evil' twin waned and died on the east coast...
And as if the Typhoon Nabi behind her realised the awesome resistance of the island, she too changed course, and may not be coming here.

Thanks to this land, the people of this land have less pain to endure.
Should we then not appreciate what gifts nature has given us?
Should we then not stop scaring our land with pollution and construction?

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