Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Youth and sex online

A new sexual revolution is taking place on the net among teenagers (12-18 yrs) sexuality expertise centre, Rutgers Nisso Groep .
In a report entitled "'Seks is een game': Gewenste en ongewenste seksuele ervaringen van jongeren op internet" [Sex is a game: desired and undesired sexual experiences of youths on internet], there were revealing facts about the behaviour of young people toward sex (11.000 respondents).

-Sex has become sought after by young people, with 82% of guys and 73% girls having flirted online in the past year.
-One in four boys and one in five girls have had cybersex
-57% of boys and 42% of girls have met someone in real life for a date.

And it doesn't stop there. Questions with sexual tints and requests to perform sexual behaviour on line is prevalent too.

-72% of boys and 83% of gilrs have been asked about his/her appearance or sexlife.
-40% of boys and 57% of girls have received requests to take off something in from of a webcame or to do something sexual.
-Girls (62%) tend to not be happy wit the request, whereas only 13% of the boys would decline. Boys generally are more 'excited' or 'turned on' by such requests.

The risk internet poses is that it distorts the barrier between reality and virtual reality. You can be who you want to be, or claim to be, and nobody will ever know. But is it also contributing to the fulfilment of sexual fantasies of people whose indulgences were previously regarded as
vulgur and immoral (eg peadofilia)? Even if the perpetrator and victim do not meet, cases of 'sexual absuse' still do take place, according to the police.

(Thanks to Frits for the suggestion.)

UPDATE 4 juni 2006
So the new NVD Party has been established. On their website was a reference to this report, and it seemed like they were using it to justify their campaign.

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